Wednesday 9 November 2011

Occupy - A philosophy

An Occupy Philosophy: William Tarkovsky's New Creationist humanist eco-creed.

"We are part of a mission that began when life began, that will not cease until all life ceases. We are part of the great, thrusting project of evolution, within which we shall never be alone, as part of which we have not just one life but a thousand million lives."

From: The Book of New Creation



The time has come to be afraid

We are faced with a menace which we cannot avoid

Some creatures, knowing fear, take flight

Some creatures, knowing fear, fight

We are the ones who will fight

We will look upon our enemy with wide unblinking eyes

We are strong

We will overcome this menace that rushes towards us

We are strong

We will stand unbowed before the breaking of the wave

We are strong

We will not flinch beneath the falling blow

We are one

We will meet our enemy face to face


We are afraid

Yet we are willing to fight

We are afraid

Yet nothing can compel us to retreat

We are afraid

Yet here we stand, undaunted

For we are one

We will meet our enemy face to face


But who is this enemy?

What is this menace?

From where does it come?


We are the menace

We are the enemy

The enemy is here, at our side


Service to humanity is our imperative. We are human. We will protect and serve humanity. Without this purpose our lives mean nothing. Service to our species and to our world is why we are. Service to our species and to our world is why we do what we must do. Without service we are pointless. Selfishness has leeched the meaning from our lives. Selfish motives die with the self


We will fight for the interests of future generations – and our greatest weapon will be self-change. We will change ourselves and we will create our world anew. Our mission is the act of re-creation


To be human is to create... We have that power... And we have the power to create a new world


How mighty are the armies and systems that stand before us! They are relentless in their appetite, in their pursuit of their self-interest. The banks and the governments, the multinationals and the conglomerates, despite all that has come to pass, despite corruption and recession, despite repossession and eviction, wallow in their power. Each day that they rule they reinforce their hold


How mighty an edifice will we need to defeat the polluters on the terms that they decree? An edifice no less mighty than are they


How great an army will we need to destroy them? No less an army than the armies they already possess


We need no armies.

New Creation needs no armies


We will overcome our opponents from within. We will convert their instruments and those who govern them to a new path, to a path that gives them meaning, a path away from selfishness and greed


Our weapon is self-change. We ask no sacrifice of rationality or sense. We hide behind no weasel words, no parable or myth. With eyes wide open we will show those who oppose us truth. Join us, we will say, and know joy. Join us, we will say, and know purpose. Join us and know fulfilment. We are the guardians of this world. Let the edifice that has enslaved you fall broken to the ground


We will protect and nurture our species. We will protect and nurture the species upon which the balance of nature and the existence of our species depends. We will protect and nurture the earth upon which we all depend


No armies, no laws, no prejudices, no rules will stop us. Our cause is just. Our cause is all-powerful. We shall prevail


The age of reason and imagination will replace the age of selfishness and greed. The wind and the tide, gravity and light, will power our society. Sailing ships, built by the best of human science, will once again carry cargo across our seas. We will wrest control of our technology from the power-hungry and the greedy and create a new world


Trust not your politicians

Trust not the hierarchies of your religions

Trust not the smiles of your celebrities

Trust not the guile of your businessmen

Trust not the seductions of your gurus


Trust not your pundits, your sermonisers, your naysayers, your yeasayers, your experts, your savants, your spokesmen, your preachers


Trust not those who cry out for your trust


Trust in the life that flows within you

Trust in the life that you share

with all living creatures

whose brief moment of existence

is imbued with the purpose

of which we all are part


Trust in the connection that you share

with the ecstasy and the pain of all living things


Trust in empathy

Trust in compassion

Trust in kindness

Trust in love

From The Book of New Creation, the writings of William Tarkovsky compiled by Luke Andreski

© 2011 Luke Andreski. All rights reserved.

Sunday 21 August 2011


Dark Green Books have published Luke Andreski’s account of the rise of New Creationism! I’d love you to take a look:

Luke’s compilations of my work are also now available:

If you’d like to join the Dark Green Books cloud of websites, visit:

I’d be delighted to hear what you think of the websites and the books!

Warmest regards,


William Tarkovsky

Now available via

The author and poet Luke Andreski has compiled my writings into a single volume: The Book of New Creation.

This is now available at or via

Tuesday 16 August 2011

"A Green Philosophy" published!

The compilation of my facebook posts made by author and poet Luke Andreski has been published by Dark Green Books under the title "A Green Philosophy". It can be accessed via the website and also via

Take a look.

I'm sure you'll be impressed.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Secular Messiah

William Tarkovsky hails secular messiah

In postings on the Internet today William Tarkovsky welcomes Raj Patel, UK economist and author, as a ‘superstition-free' messiah.

Tarkovsky, who has himself been described by mystics as ‘The One who is to Come’, states that Raj Patel ‘is a sensible, intelligent and compassionate man who demonstrates a profound commitment to humanity.’

Referencing a plague of contemporary messiahs, Tarkovsky asks, ‘Why shouldn’t our species be allowed to have messiahs who are just human… What need is there for mysticism and the paranormal when there are wonderful and insightful individuals already in our midst who can guide us towards a survivable or even sustainable 21st Century?’

Raj Patel denies his description as the Maitreya (new Messiah or even anti-Christ), drawing comic comparisons to Monthy Python’s Life of Brian: ‘I am not the messiah, I am just a naughty boy.’

Monday 7 December 2009


Where should we turn when faced with overwhelming loss?

We should turn to gaze into the mirror.

Our faces express a genetic truth.

We arise from one source.

Evolution has made us.

Biology unites us.

Saturday 15 August 2009

The Book of New Creation

Sample Ordinances

From the ‘writings on the wall’ of
William Tarkovsky

"Without a moral code, a point to our lives, we are lost… and we are lost…

"Look around you…

"Are we not lost?"

William Tarkovsky, Aug 2012


“There are dead zones in our oceans”

There are dead zones in our oceans, expanding with each season and never contracting

There are nil zones of ozone high above our heads

The glaciers whose melt-waters feed our valleys and our fields are vanishing while we sleep

The ice caps that reject the sun’s heat are melting with the heat of our industry and consumption

The permafrost that holds ancient marshland in place is de-frosting and unleashing its contagion

The seas that feed and sustain our world are rising and baring their teeth

The very air that we breath grows warmer than it should be, grows cold where it should be warm

Storms smash our cities, kill our people and destroy our crops

The species that abut our species are dying all around us

We are on the brink of the apocalypse

“The time has come”

Now is the time to embrace our fear

The time has come to be afraid

When animals know fear what do they do?

When animals know fear they turn and flee – or turn and fight

We are the turners and the fighters

We are resourceful

We will face the menace squarely

We are strong

We will look upon our enemy with wide unblinking eyes

We are resolute

We can overcome the menace that rushes towards us

We are resourceful

We will meet our enemy face to face


We are afraid - yet we are willing to fight

We are afraid

Yet we will not retreat

We are afraid

Yet we will overcome the menace rushing towards us

For we are resourceful

We will meet our enemy face to face

But who is our enemy?

What is this menace?

From where does it come?

We are the menace

We are the enemy

The enemy is ourselves


“We are lost”

Without a moral code, a point to our
lives, we are lost… and we are lost…

Look around you…

Are we not lost?

A house without structure is not a house. A human being without purpose is not a human being. Look around you. What kinds of animal do you see?

The rivers of fact on which we are fed dominate our minds. But behind this complexity is there not a simple truth which should long ago have been revealed?

Humanity is lost in an ocean of belief. Each self-serving ideology hides its motivation behind a tsunami of propaganda, a multiplicity of facts

We will cast off the untruths of our leaders and controllers

We will open our eyes

Our Mission

For we are part of a mission that began when life began, that will not cease until all life ceases. We are a part of the great, thrusting project of evolution, within which we shall never be alone, as part of which we have not just one life but a thousand million lives


We are the guardians of evolution. We are the protectors of our species. We are the defenders of our children’s future. We are the adults of our species. The protection of our species and of those species upon which our species depends is our mission. We are warriors for this mission. We are soldiers in an army with this sole purpose

The source of our authority lies in the fact that we are human. Our commitment to the survival of the human race is implicit in that fact. Our commitment to humanity arises from that fact. Our love for humankind is as undeniable as that fact


“Do not trust your politicians”

Do not trust your politicians
Do not trust your religions
Do not trust your celebrities
Do not trust your businessmen, your gurus, your pundits, your pop stars, your generals
Do not trust those who call out for your trust

The leaders of our world self-select for the worst in human nature: for power-hunger, for narcissism, for greed. Would you share the same table with men such as these? Would you share the same table with women such as these? Can you trust them with your children’s future, with the future of your species?


Our leaders deny that we have meaning. In its place they put media gossip. In its place they put television platitude. Their purpose is to confuse us, to mislead us. Their very purpose is to make us weak

Why should we have a purpose that conflicts with their purpose? Will we still be enslaved if we know our own minds?

Consumption and wealth is the enemy of our species. The wealth of those who join us on the path of New Creation lies in action not possession – lies in wresting the freedom of our species from our owners and controllers

Your Faiths and Creeds

The faiths of today exist to serve their leaders, to swathe them in privilege and comfort. They provide hierarchies of power up which the power-hungry climb – and their rampant hypocrisy cries out for redress

Reverence and subordination are the weapons of your faiths – but they have no weapons against the followers of New Creation

And hankering at your heels are the latter-day cults, with their insidious inventions of parable and myth

Theirs is the voice of decadence and corruption, of power-hunger and deceit, of ego-mania and subservience

These cults deny their origins. They lie about their history. They lie about their visions. They fabricate revelation but seek only control


We Are Strong

In humanism and service we shall find courage. In New Creation the animal in the man is harnessed, the alien is made human, the human becomes keeper of itself

In New Creation we are one

In New Creation we are strong

Join Us

Disagree – and you define us
Become our enemy – and you will make us stronger
Change – and gain meaning
Join us – and know purpose

Self-change is our weapon
Self-sacrifice is our weapon
Service to our species and service to our world is our purpose
Unity and belonging are our strength
Imagination and thought are our strength
Dedication and commitment are our strength
Dedication to humanity and to the service of life everywhere is our strength
It is a strength that our enemies cannot understand

Our enemies will resist us
The self-destructive will resist us
The greedy and the self-obsessed will fight us -
but we know who is wrong and who is right without the need of fear or superstition
And they know who is wrong and who is right, but their perceptions rest upon irrational belief...

We alone have the strength of true belief, untrammelled by prejudice or parable or myth
We alone have the strength of unity and meaning
We alone are the adults of our species
We alone are the wardens to our world
Our enemies shall want and need and crave
and we shall stand before them with a level gaze

Our eyes are the eyes of humans everywhere
Our children are their children
Our future is their future
We will not stand aside and watch their self-destruction
We will not appease their societies of superstition or greed
nor abase ourselves before their edifice of wealth

We are casting off their pointless shackles
Our purpose is irrefutable

Disagree – and you define us
Become our enemy – and you will make us stronger
Change – and achieve meaning
Join us – and live forever

Copyright © Luke Andreski and William Tarkovsky 2010
The right of Luke Andreski and William Tarkovsky to be identified as the authors of The Book of New Creation hasbeen asserted by them in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.